What is PyeongChang, South Korea like?

A story of picturesque views, gondola rides and spider bites Fantastic views in the Fall from the top of the mountain at Phoenix Snow Park, PyeongChang, 2013. Olympic prep and advertising was ongoing, even in 2013. Woot woot! The Olympics will soon begin in PyeongChang, South Korea bringing the global media spotlight to Korea for a month. I made a trip to PyeongChang in September 2013, when preparations for the Olympics were already underway. My impression of PyeongChang from my brief trip there is likely a typical refrain as a foreigner venturing outside the big cities in Korea: Delicious food, friendly and helpful people in the town, beautiful clean air, gorgeous natural scenery, traditional buildings and.... MASSIVE SPIDERS. MASSIVE. SPIDERS. Korean Spiders: Demons of the countryside The hype for the Olympics has brought memories from PyeongChang to the front of my mind, including an unfortunate encounter with a Korean spider. I'm from New Jersey so I...